Short Story: Revelations by the fireplace
The journal grew heavier in her hand with every page she ripped out. Had she made the right choice? What if she was severing her last tie with her mother? Nothing of…

When To Stop Reading A Book
You've probably heard it's bad form to quit reading a book. Book lovers power through unpleasant scenes, disappointing writing, and stale characters using only the sheer love of reading.
I think that's wrong.…

Why The Hobonichi Planners Are Worth the Hype
This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thanks for your support! Read more. Do you…
Stop seeking discomfort
Last week, after a long time weighing the pros and cons, I bought a basic walking pad. So many things stopped me — mostly, the numbers in my bank account and the…
Five questions to ask yourself when you don’t know what to write about
Often, writing is an exercise of endurance. What do I even write about? Why are all my stories and poems about the same topics, different versions of the same idea? Every time…

How To Deal With Heartbreak
I’ve decided to post these short thoughts every day. They’re, well, short and random and totally not SEO-friendly, but blogs are for writing, so I’m going to do just that. How do…

5 Mindset Shifts to Build a Successful Reading Habit
This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thanks for your support! Read more. Every new…