Last week, after a long time weighing the pros and cons, I bought a basic walking pad.
So many things stopped me — mostly, the numbers in my bank account and the idea of taking up too much space in my apartment. God forbid I take up space.
But in the end, I decided to take the leap. After three years of putting myself down for failing to build a consistent workout routine, the week I’ve spend with my new treadmill has been the most active week I’ve had in three years.
Often, you want to brute force ourselves into doing things thinking the sacrifice is the goal itself. Suffering is part of the journey. But is it, really?
Sometimes you do need to push yourself. Sometimes you can only force yourself into doing the thing until eventually, it becomes natural. The mistake we make is thinking the hardest path is always the best.
What if, in some cases, you chose the path of least resistance? To flow, instead of struggle?
I don’t subscribe to the idea of ‘seeking discomfort.’ Life is already uncomfortable as it is. I feel like I’m in a constant struggle against myself, my own mind, my feelings, my insecurities. Instead of seeking discomfort, why not try reducing it in some instances?
You can’t always take the easiest path, but you have to be strategic about which discomfort to embrace. Alleviating some discomfort can be beneficial. When you make some things easier for you, it can give you the motivation to take more chances and more action. It can give you the momentum you need to tackle the real roadblocks that are keeping you from achieving your goals.
So no, you don’t need those cold showers at 5 am. You don’t need to run 10K before sunrise. Save the strength for those moments when you really need to push.