Beat Writer’s Block With Your Camera App Photos: 10-Word Short Stories

Struggling with writer’s block? You camera roll can be the best ally to get your creative juices flowing.

A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon this Medium post and it’s been a godsend. I have a ton of photos I’d love to post and sometimes struggle to come up with ideas and inspiration for writing. So, being able to use my photos as writing tools is just the perfect fit for my writing needs.

How does it work? It’s very simple. Just check your photos folder, select 10 photos, and write a 10-word story for each one. You can be as literal or poetic as you want. The idea is just to get you writing.

I’ve chosen 10 photos from the last 2-3 years with the short story in the title, and extra context (if needed) in the captions.

So, let’s dive in!

1. Let’s witness summer’s dying moments over the cold, whispering river.

10 word short stories
Zurich, 2022.


2. How much for this view? Your blood on the rocks.

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Fujairah, 2019.

3. We should be here. We should be here. We should…

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Barcelona, 2018.

4. Show me your ghosts and I’ll tell you a story.

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Tbilisi, 2021.

5. I’ll have a distilled talent with fame on the side, please.

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Trieste, 2022. The Caffè Stella Polare was frequented by famous intellectuals in the early 20th century, including Irish novelist James Joyce.

6. Let me get to know you from afar, without talking.

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Trieste, 2022.

7. The lost souls stand is close, just around the corner.

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San Salvador, 2018.

8. Another day, another shadow walks by without even saying goodbye.

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Dubai, 2022

9. Will you have me if I join you down there?

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Paris, 2022

10. They said there were diamonds — all I got was sand.

writer's block
Dubai, 2022.

And there you have it. Looking at your old photos is a quick way to beat writer’s block and get you new short story ideas. All you need to do is pick a handful of photos, and let them speak to you. Maybe they juggle your memory to bring back a voice, a smell, a funny anecdote that will spark the beginning of a new story. Or maybe they can bring out the first line, which always makes the writing process easier.

Have you used this method before? I’d love to read what you’ve created! Feel free to share in the comments below.

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Featured image: Nenad Stojkovic


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