short story ideas

Short story structure: the simple way to plan your flash fiction

There’s a lot of information out there about planning your novel, but what if you’re writing a short story? Planning, choosing a short story structure, and researching are just as necessary, no matter the extension of your work. Short-form writers also need to do some legwork before they…
writing fanfiction

The Pros and Cons of Writing Fanfiction: A Writer’s Perspective

As a writer, you may have considered writing fanfiction. It’s a great way to get your feet wet, learn more about world-building and character development, and experiment with genres and styles. I remember my fanfiction writing years fondly. I’m sure those fics I wrote as a teen in…

Why this short story fan will never write a novel

I love the imperfection of unfinished worlds, the ephemeral nature of an encounter left open, undefined. So in a way, despite the length restrictions, the short story gives me more freedom than a novel ever could.…
flash fiction

The last song | Flash Fiction

The music was faint so far away from the stage, but they had room to sit down and still see the performers from the distance. Their barrier warrior days were mostly over, and they were content with arriving later, seeing fewer shows, and staying away from the crowd…
writing fanfiction

Wish | Short Story

He took another sip of his drink and grinned. "I'm whatever you want me to be."…
writing fanfiction


“Lunch’s ready. Put the guitar down.”“Just need to finish this bit. This one’s for you — wait until you hear it.”She sighed. As his tour loomed closer, he had barely looked at her, and all his fingers had touched was his guitar. He’d be gone again in the…
women working in an office, 1959


Congrats. You've made it. You look like a Professional Writer. Is this not what you always wanted? Are you still not happy?…

Shadow – Flash Fiction

Since you insist on following me, I'm going to have to take your picture. | Flash Fiction | Photography …
writing fanfiction

Not A Poem

I still don’t know why he turned away from the home I made for him to light himself on fire in the middle of the street. I don’t know why he told me martyrdom made a much better mistress than me.…
writing fanfiction

3AM Friend

The clinking of mugs in the kitchen pulled her back from a restless sleep and into the dark middle of the night. Only the quiet rumble of the aircon filled the silence in her half-empty apartment. She sat up on her bed and squinted to have a better…